J Nephropathol. 2015;4(3): 62-68.
doi: 10.12860/jnp.2015.13
PMID: 26311652
PMCID: PMC4544556
Scopus ID: 84936984898
  Abstract View: 4137
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Original Article

Study of the association between the donors and recipients angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion gene polymorphism and the acute renal allograft rejection

Jalal Azmandian 1,2, Mohamadamir Mohamadifar 2, Sara Rahmanian-Koshkaki 2, Mohammad Mehdipoor 3, Mohamad-Hadi Nematollahi 3, Amin Saburi 4, Ali Mandegary 5*

1 Physiology Research Center, Institute of Neuropharmacology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
2 Department of Nephrology, Urology and Renal Transplantation, Afzalipoor Hospital, University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
3 Pharmaceutics Research Center, Institute of Neuropharmacology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
4 Birjand Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
5 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research Center, Institute of Basic and Clinical Physiology Sciences, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author: Ali Mandegary, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research Center, Institute of Basic and Clinical Physiology Sciences, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran. , Email: alimandegary@kmu.ac.ir


Background: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is involved in various pathophysiological conditions including renal function. ACE levels are under genetic control.

Objectives: This study was designed to investigate the association between the donors and recipients ACE-I/D gene polymorphism and risk of acute rejection outcome in renal allograft recipients.

Patients and Methods: ACE-I/D polymorphism was determined in 200 donor-recipient pairs who had been referred to Afzalipour hospital in Kerman. ACE-I/D polymorphism was detected using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Acute rejection (AR) during at least six months post-transplantation was defined as a 20% increase in creatinine level from the postoperative baseline in the absence of other causes of graft dysfunction which responded to antirejection therapy.

Results: The observed allele frequencies were II 9.8%, ID 35.6% and DD 44.4% in donors and II 9.8%, ID 35.1% and DD 52.7% in recipients. There were no significant association between ACE genotypes and AR episodes (ORID=0.96 [0.18-5.00] and ORDD: 1.24 [0.25-6.07] for the donors) and (ORID: 0.29 [0.06-1.45] and ORDD: 0.75 [0.19-2.90] for the recipients).

Conclusions: It seems that donor and recipient ACE-I/D genotype might not be a risk factor for acute renal allograft rejection. However, due to conflicting results from this and other studies, multicenter collaborative studies with more participants and concomitant evaluation of ACE polymorphism with other polymorphisms in renin–angiotensin system (RAS) are suggested to determine whether ACE genotypes are significant predictors of renal allograft rejection.

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:

In a study on 200 donor-recipient pairs, we found that donor and recipient ACE-DD genotype might not be a risk factor for acute renal allograft rejection.

Please cite this paper as: Azmandian J, Mohamadifar M, Rahmanian-Koshkaki S, Mehdipoor M, Nematollahi MH, Saburi A, et al. Study of the association between the donors and recipients angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion gene polymorphism and the acute renal allograft rejection . J Nephropathol. 2015;4(3):62-68. DOI: 10.12860/jnp.2015.13

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