J Nephropathol. 2016;5(4): 134-138.
doi: 10.15171/jnp.2016.25
PMID: 27921025
PMCID: PMC5125060
Scopus ID: 84983314915
  Abstract View: 3239
  PDF Download: 1668

Original Article

Prostate-specific antigen rising in Iranian men in correlation with body mass index, fasting blood sugar and blood lipid profile  

Davood Arab 1, Arash Ardestani Zadeh 1*, Majid Mirmohammadkhani 2, Azadeh Beiglarzadeh 1

1 Department of Surgery, Clinical Research Development Center, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran
2 Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Kowsar Hospital, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author: Arash Ardestani Zadeh, Department of Surgery, Clinical Research Development Center, Kowsar Hospital, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran. , Email: are20935@yahoo.com


Background: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a serine protease that is secreted by prostate
cells and it is useful as a tumor marker for prostate cancer.

Objectives: In this study, the relationship between some of metabolic factors and serum PSA
level was investigated.

Patients and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, patients with urinary symptoms or for
screening of the prostate cancer (after 50 years of age or 40 years with a family history of
prostate cancer), were evaluated. Collected data included metabolic syndrome factors such
as cholesterol (Chol), triglycerides (TG), fasting blood sugar (FBS), and body mass index
(BMI), serum PSA level, prostate volume and age.

Results: 481 patients were enrolled to this study with the average age of 60.69 ± 9.72 years
and the average PSA level of 1.70 ng/ml. Data analysis showed that there was a significant
relationship between serum PSA level with age (P < 0.001, r = 0.30) and prostate volume
(P < 0.001, r = 0.29). There were not significant relationship between serum PSA level with
TG (P = 0.57, r = 0.026), Chol (P = 0.57, r = -0.025), FBS (P = 0.054, r = 0.088), and BMI
(P = 0.89, r = 0.006).

Conclusions: This study showed that, with increasing age and prostate volume, serum PSA
level increased, and an increase in the levels of cholesterol, TG, FBS and BMI did not have
significant effect on serum PSA level.


Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a serine protease that is secreted by prostate cells and it is useful as a tumor marker for
prostate cancer. Screening by PSA, has reduced the age of the detection of prostate cancer and it has become a middle-aged
people cancer. Data analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between serum PSA level, age and prostate volume
and there were not a significant relationship between serum PSA level, TG, Chol, FBS and BMI. This study shows that, with
increasing age and prostate volume , serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level increased, and an increase in the levels of
cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), fasting blood sugar (FBS) and body mass index (BMI) did not have significant effect on serum
PSA level.

Please cite this paper as: Arab D, Ardestani Zadeh, Mirmohammadkhani M, Beiglarzadeh A. Prostate-specific antigen rising in
Iranian men in correlation with body mass index, fasting blood sugar and blood lipid profile. J Nephropathol. 2016;5(4):134-
138. DOI: 10.15171/jnp.2016.25.
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