Macaulay Amechi Chukwukadibia Onuigbo
1 The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
2 College of Business, University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium, Eau Claire, WI, USA
Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:
Renal allograft cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease can show discrete features of CMV glomerulopathy,
without affectation of the renal tubules and interstitium. This means that absent urine cytology
findings and no tubulointerstitial changes in a patient suspected to have CMV renal allograft disease
must warrant an exhaustive inspection of the glomeruli for evidence of CMV disease, including the
use of immunohistochemical methodologies.
Please cite this paper as: Onuigbo MAC. Cytomegalovirus glomerulopathy in renal allografts. J
Nephropathol. 2020;9(1):e01. DOI: 10.15171/jnp.2020.01.