Priti Meena
, Vinant Bhargava
1, Devinder Singh Rana
1, Anil Kumar Bhalla
1, Ashwani Gupta
1, Manish Malik
1, Pallav Gupta
21 Institute of Renal Science, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, India
2 Department of Renal Pathology, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, India
HIV-related renal diseases have become more evident and easier to treat due to the prolonged survival of patients with HIV infection on antiretroviral therapy (ART). There are multiple factors involved in the pathogenesis of this entity. However, very little has been described regarding secondary membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and especially a crescentic disease in these patients. Herein, we describe a patient who was incidentally detected to have HIV infection while evaluating for a rapidly progressive renal failure and was detected to have crescentic glomerulonephritis. We have reviewed the literature pertinent to the case in the present report.
Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:
This unique presentation of HIV infection manifesting as a crescentic presentation in the kidney is difficult to treat and lacks literature guided treatment options. It presents with challenges regarding diagnosis, management and use of immunosuppressive protocols, plasmapheresis and highly active ART.
Please cite this paper as: Priti M, Bhargava V, Singh Rana D, Kumar Bhalla A, Gupta A, Malik M, Gupta P. Crescentic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in HIV infection; a mini-review with case study. J Nephropathol. 2022;11(3):e9842. DOI: 10.34172/jnp.2022.9842.