J Nephropathol. 2012;1(3): 190-193. doi: 10.5812/nephropathol.8122
PMID: 24475415        PMCID: PMC3886150

Brief Report

A histopathological study of nephrotoxicity, hepatoxicity or testicular toxicity: Which one is the first observation as side effect of Cisplatin-induced toxicity in animal model?

Mehdi Nematbakhsh 1,2,3 * , Farzaneh Ashrafi 1,4, Zahra Pezeshki 1, Zahra Fatahi 5, Fariborz Kianpoor 1, Mohammad-Hossein Sanei 6, Ardeshir Talebi 6

Cited by CrossRef: 26

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