J Nephropathol. 2022;11(4): e17308.
doi: 10.34172/jnp.2022.17308

Scopus ID: 85144430103
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Original Article

Clinical audit; freehand renal biopsy, still a suitable method?

Maurizio Garozzo 1* ORCID logo, Fabio Pagni 2 ORCID logo, Vincenzo L'Imperio 2 ORCID logo, Giovanni Giorgio Battaglia 1

1 Department of Nephrology, Santa Marta e Santa Venera Hospital, Acireale, ASP Catania, Italy
2 Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology, Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca, ASST Monza, Italy
*Corresponding Author: Corresponding author: Maurizio Garozzo, Email: mauriziocom@hotmail.com, , Email: maurizio.garozzo@aspct.it


Introduction: Freehand renal biopsy represents a valid alternative to the most widespread ultrasonography-guided technique, although some concerns can derive from the possible increased complication rate and lower adequacy rate.

Objectives: In the present audit study, efficacy of freehand method have been established through the analysis of 328 consecutive renal biopsies in 322 patients, instead the safety of the procedure was assessed in 196 patients.

Patients and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed hospital databases of all patients who underwent a percutaneous renal biopsy over an 18 years’ period at Santa Marta and Santa Venera hospital in Acireale.

Results: The procedure led to a definitive diagnosis in the majority of cases (98.48%), being uninformative only in 5 out of 328 cases (1.52%). Comparing these results against a Proforma, resulting from analysis of best literature reports for the items studied, adverse event rates were similar.

Conclusion: Freehand renal biopsy resulted a good option to obtain renal tissue, without serious side effects. We argue about safety and we prefer to reserve this invasive procedure to selected cases, avoiding renal biopsy if biochemical and instrumental data allow a definitive diagnosis as well as in high risk patients. Our policy protects patients from the adverse effects that can result from kidney biopsy.

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:

The present work investigates the usefulness and rate of minor/major complications in the execution of an invaluable ancillary diagnostic tool for the nephrology, the renal biopsy. This would shed light on the potentialities and limitations of this procedure, stressing the importance of an adequate assessment of indications and contraindications for its performance.

Please cite this paper as: Garozzo M, Pagni F, L’Imperio V, Giorgio Battaglia G. Clinical audit; freehand renal biopsy, still a suitable method?. J Nephropathol. 2022;11(4):e17308. DOI: 10.34172/jnp.2022.17308.

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Submitted: 11 Nov 2021
Accepted: 25 Jul 2022
ePublished: 04 Aug 2022
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